Mientras la barca flota sobre un rio de almas en tormento, el anciano canta:
“No esperéis nunca más mirar al cielo,
vengo para pasaros diligente
a las tinieblas del fuego y el hielo”
Todo tipo de personas hay en la barca: los lujuriosos son desembarcados primero, les siguen glotones, soberbios, envidiosos, los avariciosos y los fraudulentos…asesinos, suicidas, violadores y traidores de toda índole…
Uno a uno desembarca a todos los condenados de la barca, menos a dos, yo mismo y otro que se cubre el rostro. Su figura es como la de un hombre fuerte, pero su semblante es de terrible tristeza, agazapado sobre sus piernas en la proa de la gran barca. Es el único que no grita, ni llora, ni mira a su alrededor, solo se cubre, inmóvil.
De repente, la barca se detiene. Solo se escuchan lamentos lejanos, como ahogados. Cuando alzo la vista, solo se distingue otra gran puerta de piedra, la más grande que jamás he visto, adosada a una inmensa muralla de hierro, muy oxidado. Me impresiona tanto la visión, que me acerco a la proa para poder contemplar de cerca tan extraño horror, pero cuando miro al lado de la barca, en el agua fétida de aquel enorme lago que rodeaba las murallas…miles, miles de figuras fantasmales se agolpan bajo el agua infernal, agitándola, gritando de terror, mas ninguno se ahoga, aunque tampoco respira.
Poco a poco, el misterioso hombre de la proa se levanta, y sin tenerla ya, siento mi sangre congelándose de nuevo. Reconozco ese rostro, pues es el hombre que murió por liberar al mundo de la opresión de mi antes amada orden. Y conozco su nombre. Me mira fijamente y, antes de mediar palabra, el enorme anciano se acerca a nosotros y habla:
“No es por capricho que ambos estáis a las puertas de esta ciudad, no os he elegido al azar, jamás lo hago. Mi nombre es Caronte, y hoy tengo la misión de llevaros ante mi padre”
As the boat sails through a
river of tormented souls, the elder sings:
"Don´t expect to ever see the sky again. I come to diligently take you to the gloom of fire and ice"
"Don´t expect to ever see the sky again. I come to diligently take you to the gloom of fire and ice"
All kind of sinners are found
in the boat: the lustful disembark first, followed by the gluttonous, the
proud, the envious, the avaricious and the fraudulent: murders, suicidal,
rapists and traitors of all kinds...
One by one all the damned step
down, except for two, myself and other one who is covering is face with his
hands. He appears to be a strong man, but the expression of his face shows deep
sadness. He is the only one who doesn´t scream nor cry, not even looks around him.
He just sits there covering himself, motionless.
Then the boat stops. Distant
drowning cries are the only sound. As I raise my head, the only thing that can
be seen is another great stone door, the biggest one I´ve ever seen, attached
to a long wall made of rusted iron. I´m so impressed by the scene that I make
my way to the prow to have a closer look to such horror, but when I look to the
side of the boat, inside the poisonous waters of that lake... thousands and
thousands of ghostly figures are piled up underneath the hellish water, shaking
it, screaming in terror, but no one drowns, neither do they breathe anymore.
Slowly, the mysterious man
stands up, and I feel my blood (if I have any anymore) freezing again. I
recognize his face, as he is the man who died to free the world from the
oppression of my before beloved Order. And I know his name. He stares at me,
and before a word can be spoken, the giant elder approach us and speaks:
"It isn´t by luck that both of you stand before the doors to this city, you weren´t chosen randomly, I never do. Charon is my name, and my mission today is to take you to my father"
"It isn´t by luck that both of you stand before the doors to this city, you weren´t chosen randomly, I never do. Charon is my name, and my mission today is to take you to my father"
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