“Caos ancestral, padre de la creación y la destrucción, tu sentencia y tu castigo han sido contrarios a la voluntad de tus hijos, y una traición al pacto contraído con el hombre y su hogar, nuestra hermana celeste. Utilizaré mi poder sobre lo material y temporal, y daré un hogar a la nueva humanidad, como era el designio de Gea”.
La luz y la oscuridad, el día y la noche, los titanes y la Inevitabilidad, todos al unísono junto con sus creaciones aprueban la rebelión, y el Caos o no puede o no quiere oponerse, o como piensan algunos, simplemente se deleita en el espectáculo.
“Cada nuevo ser será enviado a un momento en la historia del ser humano, y aprovechando su condición, aunque sin memoria de lo vivido y experimentado en la muerte, dirigirá un nuevo destino en el corazón de los hombres, con el propósito de que demuestren su bondad y potencial, y puedan así salvar su hogar y a sí mismos."
El movimiento se hace perpetuo. Chispas incandescentes y olas de fuego y hielo, memorias que se sacrifican por servir al susurro de una nueva promesa.
star, dark and luminous, stop their dance and combine in one mist, at
first without defined shape or colour, until everyone of us witnesses
vividly a majestic being. With the shape of a colossal snake, with
three heads of a bull, man and lion. Simultaneously they begin to
answer to the prayers of those who didn´t hold any hope.
Chaos, father of creation and destruction, both your sentence and
your punishment had been made against the will of your sons, and are
a betrayal to the pact made with Man and it´s home, our blue sister.
I´ll use my power over time and matter, and give a home to the new
mankind, as Gea designed.”
and darkness, day and night, titans and inevitability, all together
with their creations approve rebellion, and Chaos can´t or won´t
oppose, or as many think, will just enjoy the show.
new being will be sent to a precise moment in mankind’s history,
and using their condition, without any memory of their time in death,
they will direct a new destiny in the heart of human beings, with the
purpose of letting them show their goodness and potential, and this
way save their home and their selves.”
becomes perpetual. Firey sparks and waves of fire and ice, memories
that are sacrificed to serve the whisper of a new promise
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